01.04.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence
MPI-BI Emerging Scientist Series

Harris Kaplan
Harvard University

A coming-of-age story: neuronal control of behavior in early life

MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried
Room NQ 105

Host: Lorenz Fenk
02.04.2025 13:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
MPIB Seminar

Tobias Walther
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA

The Phase of Fat: Mechanisms and Physiology of Lipid Storage and Metabolism.

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Large Lecture Hall

Host: Brenda Schulman & Matthias Mann
03.04.2025 08:45
Symposium (MPIB)

Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc.
Find more information on the link below

Interact Munich 2025

Biomedical Center (BMC)

Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life
04.04.2025 08:45
Symposium (MPIB)

Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc.
Find more information on the link below

Interact Munich 2025

Biomedical Center (BMC)

Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life
08.04.2025 13:15
LMU Gene Center

Marieke Oudelaar
MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen

Molecular drivers of 3D genome folding and their function in gene regulation

Gene Center Lynen Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall 0.75

Host: Karl-Peter Hopfner
08.04.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

Jovica Ninkovic
Biomedizinisches Centrum der LMU

Gehirn in Bestform: Stammzellen für Plastizität und Regeneration des Gehirns

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Henrike Klinker
10.04.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Nadine Gogolla
MPI of Psychiatry

Dissecting the neural circuits of emotion

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953
29.04.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence
MPI-BI Keynote Lecture

Stavros Lomvardas
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University

Achieving Singularity in Olfactory Receptor Gene Expression

MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried
Room NQ 105

Host: Christian Mayer
29.04.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology
Seminar Series (LMU)

1. Susan Golden, 2. James Golden
University of California, USA

1. Circadian regulation of gene expression in cyanobacteria, in vivo und in vitro 2. Engineering expression of natural products in cyanobacteria

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.027

Host: Kirsten Jung
05.05.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures

Bianca Jones Marlin
Columbia University

Nature, nurture, and the neuroscience of parenthood

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
06.05.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence
MPI-BI Emerging Scientist Series

Marina Papadopoulou
University of Tuscia, Italy

Cognitive rules underlying the self-organization of animal collectives

MPI for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen
Haus 4, Seminarraum 4/0.07 und 4/0.08

Host: Susanne Hoffmann
06.05.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology
Seminar Series (LMU)

Abram Aertsen
KU Leuven, Belgien

The extended life cycle of bacteriophage Lambda

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.027

Host: Kirsten Jung
06.05.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

Tobias Bonhoeffer
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Vom Lernen und Vergessen

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Stefanie Merker
07.05.2025 13:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series

Jamie H. Cate
University of California, Berkeley Innovative Genomics Institute

RNA Language Models to Improve RNA Function.

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Large Lecture Hall

Host: Elena Conti
08.05.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics
LMU Seminar

Timo Müller
Institute for Diabetes and Obesity, Helmholtz Munich & Walther-Straub Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, LMU Munich

Novel Insights into Regulation of Energy and Glucose Metabolism by GIPR Agonism and GLP-1:GIP co-agonism

Biomedical Center (BMC)
Room N02.017

Host: Maren Heimhalt and Andreas Ladurner
08.05.2025 14:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
MPIB Seminar

Jennifer Doudna
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Innovative Genomics Institute, Berkeley

Adventures in Biochemistry with CRISPR: The ABC's of a Career in Science. (Followed by Round Table Discussion)

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Large Lecture Hall

Host: Elena Conti; Danny Nedialkova; Kikue Tachibana
08.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Jürgen Cox
MPI of Biochemistry

MaxQuant: Computational proteomics for the masses

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953
09.05.2025 14:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series

Jennifer Doudna
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Innovative Genomics Institute, Berkeley

The Chemistry of CRISPR: What's Ahead for Genome Editing.

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Large Lecture Hall

Host: Elena Conti
12.05.2025 13:15
LMU Gene Center

Evan Karousis
University of Bern


Gene Center Lynen Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall 0.75

Host: Jonathan Bohlen
15.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Maude Baldwin
MPI for Biological Intelligence

Functional evolution of the taste and digestive system in birds

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953
16.05.2025 09:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN), MPI for Biological Intelligence

Several speakers

Munich Brain Day 2025

MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried
Large Lecture Hall

Host: O. Behrend, S. Capello, L. Fenk, A. Harbauer, D. Keays, O. Mauger, G. Nordmann, R. Portugues,
22.05.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics
LMU Seminar

Nadine Vastenhouw
University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomics

The role of nuclear organization in transcription regulation

Biomedical Center (BMC)
Room N02.017

Host: Kikuë Tachibana
22.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Julian Stingele

Cellular responses to RNA damage

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953
27.05.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Insitut of Microbiology
Seminar Series (LMU)

Victor Sourjik
MPI Marburg

Physics meets physiology: strategies of bacterial resource investment into swimming motility

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.027

Host: Kirsten Jung
02.06.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures

Jonathan Pillow
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton

Dissecting neural circuits with cell-type latent dynamical systems

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Andreas Herz
03.06.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

Albert Zink
Biozentrum der LMU

Ötzi: neue Erkenntnisse zum Leben und Sterben der Gletschermumie

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und Online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: tba
05.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Susanne Hoffmann
MPI for Biological Intelligence

Applying neurophysiology during field research to study the neural mechanisms of duet singing in birds

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953
12.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Karl Duderstadt
MPI of Biochemistry

Imaging the machines that reshape and remake chromosomes

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953
26.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Pablo Oteiza
MPI for Biological Intelligence

A conserved algorithm for flow navigation in teleosts

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953
01.07.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology
Seminar Series (LMU)

Christian Kost
Universität Osnabrück


LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.027

Host: Simon Heilbronner
03.07.2025 16:00
IMPRS Lecture Series

Brenda Schulman
MPI of Biochemistry

Regulation by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building

Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953
07.07.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures

Katharina Schmack
University College London

Neural circuits and immunity in psychosis

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
08.07.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

Lotte Schlicht
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Konzert im Morgengrauen: Warum Vögel morgens singen

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Sabine Spehn
10.07.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics
LMU Seminar

Kazuhiro Maeshima
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan

Local chromatin behaviors during the cell-cycle revealed by single-molecule imaging/analysis

Biomedical Center (BMC)
Room N02.017

Host: Peter Becker
30.09.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

F.-Ulrich Hartl
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie

Molekulare Anstandsdamen der Zelle: Ihre Rolle bei der Proteinfaltung und neurodegenerativen Krankheiten

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Christiane Menzfeld
03.11.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures

Carolyn BcBride
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton


LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
11.11.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft

Anneli Peters
Biomedizinisches Centrum der LMU

Überraschende Zusammenhänge: Darmbakterien als Auslöser der Multiplen Sklerose?

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Henrike Klinker
01.12.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures

Michael Brecht
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

Large-brain-neuroscience in elephants

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Benedikt Grothe