01.04.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence MPI-BI Emerging Scientist Series |
Harris Kaplan Harvard University A coming-of-age story: neuronal control of behavior in early life |
MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried Room NQ 105 Host: Lorenz Fenk |
02.04.2025 13:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry MPIB Seminar |
Tobias Walther Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA The Phase of Fat: Mechanisms and Physiology of Lipid Storage and Metabolism. |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Large Lecture Hall Host: Brenda Schulman & Matthias Mann |
03.04.2025 08:45
Interact Symposium (MPIB) |
Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc. Find more information on the link below Interact Munich 2025 |
Biomedical Center (BMC) Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life |
04.04.2025 08:45
Interact Symposium (MPIB) |
Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc. Find more information on the link below Interact Munich 2025 |
Biomedical Center (BMC) Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life |
08.04.2025 13:15
LMU Gene Center |
Marieke Oudelaar MPI for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen Molecular drivers of 3D genome folding and their function in gene regulation |
Gene Center Lynen Lecture Hall Lecture Hall 0.75 Host: Karl-Peter Hopfner |
08.04.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
Jovica Ninkovic Biomedizinisches Centrum der LMU Gehirn in Bestform: Stammzellen für Plastizität und Regeneration des Gehirns |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: Henrike Klinker |
10.04.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Nadine Gogolla MPI of Psychiatry Dissecting the neural circuits of emotion |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953 |
29.04.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence MPI-BI Keynote Lecture |
Stavros Lomvardas Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University Achieving Singularity in Olfactory Receptor Gene Expression |
MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried Room NQ 105 Host: Christian Mayer |
29.04.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology Seminar Series (LMU) |
1. Susan Golden, 2. James Golden University of California, USA 1. Circadian regulation of gene expression in cyanobacteria, in vivo und in vitro 2. Engineering expression of natural products in cyanobacteria |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.027 Host: Kirsten Jung |
05.05.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN) Munich Neuroscience Lectures |
Bianca Jones Marlin Columbia University Nature, nurture, and the neuroscience of parenthood |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.019 Host: Nadine Gogolla |
06.05.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence MPI-BI Emerging Scientist Series |
Marina Papadopoulou University of Tuscia, Italy Cognitive rules underlying the self-organization of animal collectives |
MPI for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen Haus 4, Seminarraum 4/0.07 und 4/0.08 Host: Susanne Hoffmann |
06.05.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology Seminar Series (LMU) |
Abram Aertsen KU Leuven, Belgien The extended life cycle of bacteriophage Lambda |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.027 Host: Kirsten Jung |
06.05.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
Tobias Bonhoeffer Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz Vom Lernen und Vergessen |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: Stefanie Merker |
07.05.2025 13:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series |
Jamie H. Cate University of California, Berkeley Innovative Genomics Institute RNA Language Models to Improve RNA Function. |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Large Lecture Hall Host: Elena Conti |
08.05.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics LMU Seminar |
Timo Müller Institute for Diabetes and Obesity, Helmholtz Munich & Walther-Straub Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology, LMU Munich Novel Insights into Regulation of Energy and Glucose Metabolism by GIPR Agonism and GLP-1:GIP co-agonism |
Biomedical Center (BMC) Room N02.017 Host: Maren Heimhalt and Andreas Ladurner |
08.05.2025 14:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry MPIB Seminar |
Jennifer Doudna Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Innovative Genomics Institute, Berkeley Adventures in Biochemistry with CRISPR: The ABC's of a Career in Science. (Followed by Round Table Discussion) |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Large Lecture Hall Host: Elena Conti; Danny Nedialkova; Kikue Tachibana |
08.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Jürgen Cox MPI of Biochemistry MaxQuant: Computational proteomics for the masses |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953 |
09.05.2025 14:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series |
Jennifer Doudna Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Innovative Genomics Institute, Berkeley The Chemistry of CRISPR: What's Ahead for Genome Editing. |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Large Lecture Hall Host: Elena Conti |
12.05.2025 13:15
LMU Gene Center |
Evan Karousis University of Bern tba |
Gene Center Lynen Lecture Hall Lecture Hall 0.75 Host: Jonathan Bohlen |
15.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Maude Baldwin MPI for Biological Intelligence Functional evolution of the taste and digestive system in birds |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953 |
16.05.2025 09:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN), MPI for Biological Intelligence |
Several speakers tba Munich Brain Day 2025 |
MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried Large Lecture Hall Host: O. Behrend, S. Capello, L. Fenk, A. Harbauer, D. Keays, O. Mauger, G. Nordmann, R. Portugues, |
22.05.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics LMU Seminar |
Nadine Vastenhouw University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomics The role of nuclear organization in transcription regulation |
Biomedical Center (BMC) Room N02.017 Host: Kikuë Tachibana |
22.05.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Julian Stingele LMU Cellular responses to RNA damage |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953 |
27.05.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Insitut of Microbiology Seminar Series (LMU) |
Victor Sourjik MPI Marburg Physics meets physiology: strategies of bacterial resource investment into swimming motility |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.027 Host: Kirsten Jung |
02.06.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN) Munich Neuroscience Lectures |
Jonathan Pillow Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton Dissecting neural circuits with cell-type latent dynamical systems |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.019 Host: Andreas Herz |
03.06.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
Albert Zink Biozentrum der LMU Ötzi: neue Erkenntnisse zum Leben und Sterben der Gletschermumie |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: Vor Ort und Online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: tba |
05.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Susanne Hoffmann MPI for Biological Intelligence Applying neurophysiology during field research to study the neural mechanisms of duet singing in birds |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953 |
12.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Karl Duderstadt MPI of Biochemistry Imaging the machines that reshape and remake chromosomes |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953 |
26.06.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Pablo Oteiza MPI for Biological Intelligence A conserved algorithm for flow navigation in teleosts |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-BI, ZOOM password 192953 |
01.07.2025 17:15
LMU Biocenter, Institut of Microbiology Seminar Series (LMU) |
Christian Kost Universität Osnabrück tba |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.027 Host: Simon Heilbronner |
03.07.2025 16:00
IMPRS IMPRS Lecture Series |
Brenda Schulman MPI of Biochemistry Regulation by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: IMPRS-ML, ZOOM password 192953 |
07.07.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN) Munich Neuroscience Lectures |
Katharina Schmack University College London Neural circuits and immunity in psychosis |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.019 Host: Nadine Gogolla |
08.07.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
Lotte Schlicht Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz Konzert im Morgengrauen: Warum Vögel morgens singen |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: Sabine Spehn |
10.07.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics LMU Seminar |
Kazuhiro Maeshima National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan Local chromatin behaviors during the cell-cycle revealed by single-molecule imaging/analysis |
Biomedical Center (BMC) Room N02.017 Host: Peter Becker |
30.09.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
F.-Ulrich Hartl Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie Molekulare Anstandsdamen der Zelle: Ihre Rolle bei der Proteinfaltung und neurodegenerativen Krankheiten |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: Christiane Menzfeld |
03.11.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN) Munich Neuroscience Lectures |
Carolyn BcBride Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton tbd |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.019 Host: Nadine Gogolla |
11.11.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft |
Anneli Peters Biomedizinisches Centrum der LMU Überraschende Zusammenhänge: Darmbakterien als Auslöser der Multiplen Sklerose? |
Max Planck Institutes, T-Building Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION Host: Henrike Klinker |
01.12.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN) Munich Neuroscience Lectures |
Michael Brecht Humboldt-Universität, Berlin Large-brain-neuroscience in elephants |
LMU Biocenter Lecture Hall B 01.019 Host: Benedikt Grothe |