
RSS-FeedSeminars on Campus sorted by date:

18.03.2025 15:00
Biomedical Center (BMC), LMU, TRR355 Regulatory T cells
LMU Seminar
Yaniick Muller
Division of Immunology and Allergy, University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland

Precision Treg editing for celiac disease

Biomedical Center (BMC)
Room N01.017

Host: Vigo Heissmeyer
25.03.2025 11:00
MPI for Biological Intelligence
MPI-BI Institute Seminars
Ofer Feinerman
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot

People, ants, and pianos

MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried
Room NQ 105

Host: Herwig Baier
03.04.2025 08:45
Symposium (MPIB)
Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc.
Find more information on the link below

Interact Munich 2025

Biomedical Center (BMC)

Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life
04.04.2025 08:45
Symposium (MPIB)
Lukas Milles, Ranga Yogeshwar, John Glass, Liang Liang, Guangbo Chen, Peter Becker, etc.
Find more information on the link below

Interact Munich 2025

Biomedical Center (BMC)

Host: Inernational Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life
06.05.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft
Tobias Bonhoeffer
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Vom Lernen und Vergessen

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Stefanie Merker
07.07.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Katharina Schmack
University College London

Neural circuits and immunity in psychosis

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
03.11.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Carolyn BcBride
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton


LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
01.12.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Michael Brecht
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

Large-brain-neuroscience in elephants

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Benedikt Grothe