
RSS-FeedAlle Seminare am Campus sortiert nach Datum:

13.02.2025 11:00
SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics
LMU Seminar
Maria Victoria Neguembor
Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (ibmb)

3D genome folding in the eye of the STORM

Biomedical Center (BMC)
Room N02.017

Host: Daphne Cabianca
05.03.2025 13:00
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
MPIB Seminar
Georg Hochberg
Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology


MPI of Biochemistry
Large Lecture Hall

Host: Petra Schwille
06.05.2025 19:00
Max Planck Institutes, Martinsried
Vortragsreihe: Was Wissen schafft
Tobias Bonhoeffer
Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Intelligenz

Vom Lernen und Vergessen

Max Planck Institutes, T-Building
Hybrid: Vor Ort und online: ONLINE PRESENTATION

Host: Stefanie Merker
07.07.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Katharina Schmack
University College London

Neural circuits and immunity in psychosis

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
03.11.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Carolyn BcBride
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton


LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Nadine Gogolla
01.12.2025 17:00
LMU Munich Center for Neuroscience (MCN)
Munich Neuroscience Lectures
Michael Brecht
Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

Large-brain-neuroscience in elephants

LMU Biocenter
Lecture Hall B 01.019

Host: Benedikt Grothe